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2014/15 Wellington Phoenix season preview

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Last season’s Hyundai A-League was not the Wellington Phoenix finest hour. The team showed promise until injuries hit, and then everything went downhill.

Now we look at the team for this season and see what’s in store.

Last season
A-League: 9th. Or, second to last. Whichever makes effectively losing sound better.
Finals: DNP

They’ll win the league because…
They have a lot to prove. The Phoenix started last season with a hiss and a roar and then injury after injury left them struggling and ultimately, led to their demise. This year they have restructured and signed a few key midfield players, which was an area they were really lacking in last year.

The new signing of Roly Bonevacia will bring a great element into the team, with Bonevacia being an extremely versatile player who can play defensive midfielder, centre-back or fullback. The return of Louis Fenton from injury will also pack some punch in the team. His position was a tough one to fill last year after he was ruled out with a dislocated shoulder, and hopefully, his return will be a smooth one

They’ll be cellar dwellers because...
The loss of Stein Huysegems could potentially be detrimental as he was their top goal scorer last season.

With Huysegems out it means a lot more scoring pressure could ride on Jeremy Brockie. The remaining of the two Costa Rican signings, Kenny Cunningham, could also be a key goal scorer if he plays the way he finished last season.

Talk around the water cooler… look smart in front of your colleagues with this valuable piece of information.
The Wellington Phoenix played West Ham in a preseason match and managed a 2-1 win, much to everyone’s surprise. Really though, did literally anyone see that score coming?

The off-season brought…
New signings, new drama. The Phoenix fought to keep new signing Michael McGlinchey after the Central Coast Mariners decided he was their toy, and they didn’t want to share him. Finally, he was released by the Central Coast Mariners, when they realised no really did mean no.

Key player
Jeremy Brockie. However Vince Lia and Glen Moss will be also play crucial roles this season.

One to watch
Roly Bonevacia and Michael McGlinchey both hold a lot of potential, and will be the players to watch this A-League season. Also, former owner of the Wellington Phoenix, Terry Serepisos. Currently bankrupt, he was arrested at the airport upon arrival back in New Zealand from Greece a few weeks ago and is said to allegedly owe a lot of money in unpaid child support. If the Phoenix fail to deliver this season, we can all count on Terry to throw some interesting stories in the mix.

Full squad list
1. Glen Moss, 2. Manny Muscat, 3. Reece Caira, 4. Roly Bonevacia, 5. Michael Boxall, 6. Josh Brindell-South, 7. Kenny Cunningham, 8. Alejandro Rodriguez, 9. Nathan Burns, 10. Michael McGlinchey, 11. Jeremy Brockie 12. Tyler Boyd, 13. Albert Riera Vidal, 14. Alex Rufer, 15. Jason Hicks, 16. Louis Fenton, 17. Vince Lia, 18. Ben Sigmund, 19. Thomas Doyle, 20. Lewis Italiano, 21. Roy Krishna, 22. Andrew Durante, 23. Matthew Ridenton.