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Favorite football fan pastimes during half time

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Adrenaline's pumping but the game's at a halt. Half-time is an absolutely essential part of the game of football but it can leave you wondering what to do until the action starts up again. Next time you and your buddies are looking for a half time activity, consider some of these exciting half time pastimes.

Start Playing Some Football Related Games

Keep on theme by playing some quick football related games. To be effective, these games need to be simple, fun and fast... and whatever you do don't get so involved in them that you forget that the game is coming back!

You can play some simple casino games like Blackjack, a few party games or even set up a small contest, raffle or other event (for larger parties). Football themed online games like the “World Football Stars Slots” from Casino Tropez are a fantastic way to build excitement while remaining on theme.

Pass a tablet around and see how your luck fares against your friends. You can even play "meta games," such as drinking games everyone who loses while playing a party game can take a drink!

Use Half-Time Scores for Rousing In-Play Betting

Half-time is the perfect time to start placing some bets! After all, this is when the game has gotten interesting and often by the time half-time has rolled around no goals have been scored. In-game betting requires some unique strategies but can be extremely fun and lucrative provided you know what you're doing.

Those placing second half bets can make some pretty clear assumptions about how the rest of the game will go. And if you're among friends consider placing some more wild or crazy bets based on the players, strategies and the game.

Discuss the Strategy with Your Friends

Hey, when you're in good company you don't necessarily need any distractions. One of the most popular half time pastimes is simply discussing the game and its strategy with your friends. But go one step farther: try to predict the rest of the game.

Even if you're not betting, it will certainly be fun if you're right! You could even set up a bit of a game in the second half, say, drink every time someone was correct or even play a bit of "football bingo" as the game progresses. And if there are any rivalries going on this gets even more fun. Just remember not to get too heated!

Don't Forget Your Fantasy Football

Do you and your friends play fantasy football? Half-time is the perfect time to recalibrate, discuss and strategise. Make transfers or even start a team if you haven't played before, after all your friends are there and you're already pumped up about the game. Think about developing your team for the next week and figure out how the game is going to affect your team. You might even be able to win some prizes in addition to any bets that you've placed!

Go Outside and Get Some Exercise

Got a park nearby? Large yard? A ball? Think about running outside and kicking the ball around but don't lose track of the time! Going out and getting some exercise is a great way to spend your half-time break: it gets you pumped up for the rest of the game, gets you on your feet and avoids losing the feeling in your legs. Place some friendly bets, keep score and have some fun.

Play Some Trivia Games

Are your friends all sports buffs? Some sports-themed trivia games may be the perfect thing that the game ordered. Trivia games are a good way to show off your knowledge and to keep people having fun and engaged while waiting for the rest of the game. And they don't have to be about sports (though it definitely helps). You could even play charades if you really wanted to!

Apart from the above options, don't forget to prep for the latter half of the game! Go get your drinks, run to the loo, set up the snacks - everything that you can do to ensure that you can stay glued to the game until the very end. When tackled strategically, a half-time break will leave everyone feeling refreshed and excited for the second half.