The Football Sack


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Truly a Marathon of a Match

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This coming Saturday (19th February) kicking off at 4pm, two sides of 11 players and around 40 substitutes will begin what is considered to be the first continuous 24 hour football match to take place in Australia.

Representing The Football Sack, I will be heading along to the event, hopefully to score a few goals, save a few, and if I feel like having a laugh I might even step into goals. To watch me and the other 60+ players kick a ball around all day, all night, and into the next day, you can come down to Sydney University's Sports Grounds - 'The Square' located on Western Ave, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006.

One of the event's organisers, Michael Donnelly, spoke of the event.

"Whether you're playing for five minutes or all night, the whole idea is to get out there, have a laugh and raise some money"

To register, each player is encouraged to make a $100 donation to the Queensland Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal. On the day there will a number of chances for you to donate. The aim is to raise over $10,000 for the appeal, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

A note from the event organisers: If you are donating $100 to play please ensure that you include your name in the description of your payment. Please also email the following email address to notify you have made payment.