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The Crossbar: Banana peel weekend

Monday, March 12, 2012

Whether it was to make the finals, finish on top of the ladder or simply get a decent win under your belt, only two sides reached their goal this weekend as everyone around them slipped up.

Newcastle 1 drew Gold Coast 1
You have to feel for Gold Coast United and in particular Zac Anderson who had a monster of a game on Friday night only for one lapse of concentration to cost him dearly. Daniel Bowles added himself to the impressive list of youngsters at the Gold Coast who have opened their A-League account this season. Nikolai Topor-Stanley bobbed up in the last minute to rescue a point for the Jets and keep them entrenched in the final six. 

Heart 1 drew Wellington 1
"If you don't take your chances it will bite you on the ass". How many times have we heard that? It couldn't have been any more relevant on Saturday night when the youngsters of Melbourne Heart and Eli Babalj in particular had more shots then an 80's hair band.  Heart were good and showed they have what it takes to match it with the big boys. Wellington were saved by a Paul Ifill thurderbolt, a brilliant goal worthy of a winner in any game in any league around the world. 

Sydney 1 def Melbourne 0
The season from hell for Melbourne has finally come to an end. It was better this way; no more pain, no more suffering. Victory fans can get on with their lives, remembering the good times of the past whilst beginning to think about the future. Sydney on the other hand still hold out hope of making a dent in things come April but, going on this performance against a rubbish Melbourne - the 1-0 win coming only after a very soft penalty - suggests one Finals Series game at best for the Sky Blues.

Brisbane 1 drew Adelaide 1
Adelaide played well and Brisbane played horrible, therefore the result was just. Thomas Broich put in a well below par performance - and that's using Leigh Broxham as par. Adelaide took the lead early through a sensational counter attack that didn't involve a long ball only for Besart Berisha to do what he does best and score the equaliser. On another day he would have had four.

Arnold feeling the heat at the top.
Perth 1 def Central Coast 0
Not one for the ages as Central Coast went from minus 1 degrees to 38 degrees in a week. Mat Ryan's howler let Travis Dodd score what what was eventually the winner in a game that was played in half speed at best. Sad news for attacking midfielders around the country as Jacob Burns went down with a suspected broken rib. Whilst it still wasn't hot enough for "The Shed" to disperse of their horrible goalkeeper chant.

These snuck under the Crossbar and into The Sack (Likes)

1. Clive Palmer hiring a plane to fly around a Freedom of Speech banner for three hours before the Jets v Gold Coast game. How good would it be to have that kind of money!?!

2. Mariners fans sending in their Crossbar likes early saying they liked Brisbane choking before they then went on and choked harder than they usually do.

3. Paul Ifill nearly putting a hole in the net at @AAMIPark. @patrick478

4. Scott Munn down in the Yarraside group and Tony Warner interacting with Yarraside group at half time. Just what the A-League needs.

5. Melbourne Victory's season officially over. Stop talking about them now and concentrate on the good football.

6. @carlymelissa_x getting nude if Gold Coast get 15,000 at the ground this week. C'mon Sack fans, make it happen, We'll promise to post the evidence in a detailed article full of journalistic integrity...

What went over the Crossbar (Dislikes) 

1. @digit1978 sent us this one in: 

2. Those bagging Mat Ryan. Short memories - remember #ThingsMatRyanCouldStop?

3. We like to keep this A-League but we couldn't not let this one in from @AdamJackson2009 from England who wasn't that impressed with Cardiff's performance.