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5 reasons to stop watching the A-League this week

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Comebacks are only for boxers and porn sites. Even Rocky Balboa would have struggled to do as much damage as Andrew Nabbout did to Sydney on the weekend. 

If Melbourne's performance was a musical is would be called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Bang.

You should stop watching the A-League. Hell, you should stop watching football completely after such a horrible weekend. Here's why. 

1. Adelaide welcomed Dodd with open arms.
United decided that Travis Dodd was worthy of respect; that he will always be remembered as part of the Adelaide football family. Rubbish. Hack him at the shins, he plays for Perth now. Respect should be confined to soul singers and Ali G.

2. Crook crook Crook
An unhealthy Ian led to an unhealthy Sydney FC. Or the other way around. I can't quite figure it out. Either way it's upset Bozza two weeks in a row and I for one won't sit idly by watching an unhappy Mark Bosnich.

3. Heskey scoring again
As if. It was a Covic own goal. A FoxSports graphic told me so and they're 100% accurate. Five goals in six weeks upholds Emile's status as leading goalscorer of the A-League and a possible England return is on the cards. Fine, I drew his face on some pieces of cardboard but England could use all the help they can get.

4. We're only slightly better than Rugby Union
Shouldn't have been that hard to beat a sport that's only really played in Heaven. I'm not too keen on having to Unite with a wallaby but I'd rather that than with a mythical sacred fire bird. Seems a bit off. And fraught with danger.

5. David Gallop is far too competent 
We now have a competent operator running the game. Which means there won't be any more franchises folding for a while, just boring old stability and growth. What was wrong with the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach that has been used by Australian football administrations for decades?