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5 reasons to stop watching the A-League this week

Friday, December 14, 2012

Too many Griffiths on the dance floor.
A belated call for you to stop watching the A-League this week. Think of it as if I forgot your birthday and am ringing to wish you well but we both know it doesn't mean as much. 

You should stop watching the A-League. Hell, you should stop watching football completely after such a horrible weekend. Here's why.

1. They ain't no Socceroos
Holger Osiek stripped the A-League bare and used them to run riot against minnow teams Chinese Taipai and Guam. The returning players have now scored enough to see out the rest of the year. Blimey, even Mark Milligan scored. So expect boring low scoring A-League fixtures for the remainder of 2012.

2. Even jet propelled Newcastle can't escape from the tax man.
Only two things are certain for an A-League club; death and taxes. The latter has caught up with Hunter Sports Group and club skipper Ruben Zadkovich is tasked with holding the team together. They've no hope.

3. Bandwagons
Because this.

4. The Code: Life with the Mariners
This six part documentary means you'll be able to watch the whole season in review over six easy parts. Why would we ever watch it live when we can iQ it for later? Whilst The Onion are essentially known as a satirical parody news site, we're assured Onion TV is a legit operation.

5. Arguments over soccer/football 
This banal argument is past the state of tiresome and even the meta state of arguing about the arguing is enough for me to tune out from it all.